Mar 29, 2005 12:33
I work all through the weekend so to make up for it I am taking today (Tuesday) off and this comming Friday. Which means that I can hop in the car and strat driving to Michigan late on Thursday night. I havn't been home since around Christmas so I am really looking forward to seeing some family.
Life has been kicking my ass recently and it will be nice to just get away for awhile. I can't complain, although things have been really busy I feel like I have gotten a huge amount of stuff done.
Saturday was Penguin Day which was a conference which focused on open source and free software solutions for nonprofits. There was a really great mix of people there and I met a lot of insanly smart people which are doing some amazing work. There where people from all walks of life such as hackers, business men, hippie types and everything in between. There where people from Chicago, California, DC, London and even Africa. I was so amazed to see so many diffrent types of people with so many diffrent backgrounds get together talk about the issues and really educate eachother.
The whole experiance was pretty intense and some how I found myself and my coworkers facilitating talks on open source desktop software for nonprofits, open source software support, and demonstrating the sme linux file server as well as playing host. I feel like I know my stuff alright but I was in no way one of the smarter people in the room so it was a bit weird trying to run sessions.
The whole thing was a blast and went as smoothly as it possibly could have. Lets just say that I was impressed at how well the whole thing went and blown away by the people I met there.
On yet another note our organization has been talking to a company that sells fractal T1 lines(very fast internet connections). I think they charge like $400 a month but it seems as though we will be able to get the nonprofits that we work with a year of service for FREE!!! This is a huge deal for us and somthing really amazing to add to the growing list of services that we are able to offer our organizations at no cost at all. The things that we can offer continue to grow which is amazing and it really shows that you can get some really great shit done if you know how to ask for it right.