Boring as fuck drunk ramble.

Nov 03, 2004 23:15

Fuck so yeah I'm drinkin by myself once again. It's not a good habit to get into so I'm thinking that this will probably be the last time I do this but it really aint bad. I always find myself feeling guilty whenever I drink alone but shit it's somthing to pass the time. I've found myself watching a lot of bootleg movies these days. It's nothing new but hell it's become the norm around this time of the day most days of the week. The rest of this week should definatly suck but should be pretty fucking productive. I have a phone interview tommorow which of all my interviews so far I am the most excited about even though it will most likley be the lowest paying position I have applied for so far. Take a look at it't a non-profit organiziation but the benefits look pretty good. The say they will cover relocation costs to chicogo. I could move all the shit that I need in my truck in one trip so fuck that I'll be fine. The offer living expenses so if I haver a bed to sleep in and food to eat and thats it, it should be plenty. Fuck I have lived in college for the last few years so it is nothing new. Can you start a sentence with the work fuck? Was that even a sentence. was that. I know that wasn't. the point is I have an interview tommorow a job fair on friday. I have some one from chicago calling my friends / past employers for refences I don't know who they are but I figure if they are calling refrences they must be interested. Things are going well on the job hunting front these days, if I dont get a job from one of these sources I will be super pist.
On another note I swear god (even though he isn't real) must not want me to get a job. I sent out a shit load of resumes with my cell phone number on it and then I lost my fucking phone. That sounds like it could suck but in addition I was driving today and a rock hit my wind sheild and made a FUCKING huge crack in it. Hopfully if I am called to chicago for an interview I will be able to get that shit fixed.
Thats avout it on the drunken job front for me these days and I'm sure that as boring as that was no one will be reading this by now but whatever. I'm watching garden state right now and so far it seems like a decent flick which is all I can say for it. This movie is one of thoes flicks that seems to have a half ass plot that nothing really spectactular happens in but it makes for entertainment so drunk steve would suggest it. There is still a about a half hour left in it so I can't make ai final judgment but it's decent so far. My real grip with it is that natalie portman really is not the right person for this role at all. I also must say that while I like the shins the movie almost works as an add for the band which blows. I understand pluging a band in a movie but this sort of goes over board on it. Regardless it is worth checking out and those are minor problems.
It is odd that my drunken posts end up being so long and random. If you are still reading this I commend you, or just relize that you must be very bored. I hope that versy soon things will pick up and my drunken posts will be filled with ramblings that involve better content and more rediculose pictures of stupid shit which will at least entertaine insted of bore people to death. I report the news according to steve and that is all so take it for what it is.
Notice I didn't even get into voting or the whole bush kerry shit. I am so fucking sick of hearing about it that I am not even going to go there other than to say that it could have gone better.
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