(no subject)

Mar 24, 2004 21:53

wow thats so much what i thought about myself already. heh.

havent written in a while, but today seemed very deserving of an entry for one major reason and some smaller ones as well.

smaller things first [not that this was unimportant, but youll understand (or maybe not) when you hear the other thing]. today at mcmahon they had an ice cream social thing for all the homestay kids, and the hosting kids, and the rest of the center kids [not to mention some random kids who just kinda showed up]. theres no better thing for me i think. heh. i asked for one small scoop of ice cream [they usually give at least 2 big scoops] and then i filled the rest of the bowl with toppings. oh my god soooooo good. magic shell, whipped cream, sprinkles, dinosaur sprinkles, dolphin sprinkles, M&Ms, mini M&Ms, chocolate chips, cherry, <-- haha cherry gummi worms, AND sour gummy worms. and that was only my first bowl. hahahahha. yeah second time around i skipped the ice cream completely and just ate what was left of the toppings. i think i gained 3 pounds in those two hours alone. sweet.

ok now for everyone who remembers [and those who dont], last year at this time i was hosting my own exchange kid, ayumi. she was awesome, dude. i miss her like hell. well apparently, three weeks after she got home, she set up this little package for me, but kept forgetting to send it. She just so happened to be friends with some of the kids who came over this year, so she gave it to them to give to me! i got it today [i dont really know why....but yeah]. she put together all the pictures she took of us while she was here into this little album ["pocket album"], and left a note in it too. oh my god it was so nice. her english is really impressive, and she drew all these cute little dudes on it! i almost wanted to cry, all the pictures reminded me of things we did that i almost forgot, and reminded me how much fun i had having her here. this year is so differnt. yeah, i dont go to mcmahon this year and the kids arent actually mine this time, but it still doesnt seem anywhere close to last year. i remember the last night ayumi was here, we were talking about the previous weeks, and she said "my homestay has been very busy...but very fun." we did stuff and went places every day. this year the kids spend almost every day just in their room [not their fault of course], and the group just arent the same....well...they just arent the same. i want to write a long letter back to ayumi. i hope she can get someone to help translate it all. dammit i want her back. shed be an awesome sister, not to mention a great friend. im getting sappy arent i? alright alright im done. DAMMIT AYUMI I MISS YOUUUUUU
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