Sometime Anonimity is the best thing for anyone, I went to a party,were I did not know anyone, exept for my invisable friend, who invited me then did not show up till midnight or so and decided to rock the 40oz for i only had 2 dollars in my wallet and the store had a 10 dollar minuimm for cards. Decided it was best to get in a hot tub and converse with several people, drink free Makers Mark and then go commando for the rest of the night, i attemted to skate home, but fell several times, do to the roads in denver being made of gravel and sticks, then i was followed 3/4ths of the way to my house form some men who hopeed out of thier car. It was nuts. I lost them down an ally? I don't realy know what htey wanted, probaly my sweet virgin ass, but im still alive. Strang things happen when you drink with the King.