I have beated-around-the-bush (no pun intended), for way to long. Here it is, eat it up.
"If this were a dictatorship, it would be a heck of a lot easier --
just so long as I'm the dictator."
--George W. Bush (December 18, 2000)
Yay for Mr.bush. I really liked that one, asshole. He is a
terrorist, he basically said that he wants to rule us all with an iron
fist, how lovely.
couldn't find oil in Texas. In the 1970's he started a oil
company. He got thosands of people to invest in it. But
George couldn't figure out, how to get his shoes on right. The
company went under, and he screwed over thosands of people.
Zell Miller is an asshole. Might not have much to do with George,
but seriously, Zell Miller is a fucking moron. Doesn't he know
that, one does not mess with Chris Matthews? He got pwned.
http://politicalhumor.about.com/od/multimedia/v/zellmillerduel.htm 7)
He is the only human in recorded history, that has
choked on a pretzel, in his underpants. Or the only one that was
dumb enough to admit it.
Even though the segway was supposed to:
"self balance itself perfectly, according to the riders
movements" George managed to fall off of one, and let a paparazzi
take a photograph, of the "accident." What a fucking moron, he
did bruise his face up badly, which made me happy, I wish he had
In his infamous Tax cuts, he let go the "death tax." This tax is
used when the owner of a farm dies, and his family has to pay a small
tax to keep the farm, under thier name. He said that "This tax is
unfair to the hard-working farmers, and should be taken out."
While you may be thinking it was a good thing, let me make this as
clear as possible. No farmer, HAS EVER HAD TO SELL THEIR FARM,
He still sells the Japanese lumber for a fraction of the price, even
though this law was put in place after WWII, in which is stated:
"This cheap lumber, will provide Japan, with the ability to build up
their economy, in what will be otherwise, economically difficult times."
Does that seem like it applies to today, hey George, get rid of it numb-nuts.
His name is fucking stupid, although I do like the band "Bush".
Please note: None of Chickenofbrista's family, or all of England,
had anything to do, with the above picture. Tony Blair is an
idiot. I'll give you money, if you can guess what the hell, Tony
Blair has on his jacket. Some sort of pin, I think it's an
asshole, how ironic?
When you search for "george bush bike" in Google, all you get, is a
bunch of Rubik Cube pictures. What the Fuck? Hell, try it
out yourself:
All your base are belong to us.