Why the Xbox sucks.

Nov 30, 2004 20:12

Let me sum this console up in one sentence "one giant piece of shit." Although, technically, it's just a shitty computer, wrapped in the ulgliest case I have ever seen, ever. If you have a Agp(advanced graphics port) on your motherboard, don't even bother getting a console, at all. It's a big waste of time/money.

Why exactly to I hate the Xbox?

1) Bad, mother fucking games.  Of course there is Halo, but almost every other game is a terrible dissapointment.  I would not like to spend $150 on a watered down windows, piece of crap, were the software freaking blows.  It makes me laugh, because, "Fable", was supposed to be "the new generation of role playing games."  Er, not really.  It was a complete dissapointment.

2) The console is a computer, with a watered down version of windows, centered around the direct-x graphics technology, yay for them!  How is it a computer?  It has a Intel pentium III processor, and a nvidia graphics accelerator.  But you can only play games on it, so there is no point, just get a computer.  Problem sovled?  You bet.

3) It's bigger then Oprahs ass.  Because it uses premade computer parts, from the major companies, the arghitechure is enormous, making the console enormous.  Not only is the console itself big, but the controllers are huge too.  Not to mention the fact that 30% of the surface area of the controller is occupied buy a giant, green, Xbox logo.  I guess they never want you to forget, what console your using.  The controller also has two joysticks, a d-pad, four common buttons, a pair of black and whit buttons.  Remember, social diversity comes from people that look different.  What a joke.  And on top of that, a pair of "pause", "stop" buttons.  Which, are never, ever actually used.

4) The people who play Xbox, usually are devoted to microsoft.  Iv'e seen people wearing Xbox shirts, seriously.  And usually, people who have an Xbox, are not gamers.  It's sad because there are so many posers who would like to be one.  So instead of teaching themselves to build computers, they take the easy route. (If you have arms, more than four fingers, and a brain, you can put a computer together.)

5)  Their servers suck.  Everytime I go over my friends house, he play Halo2 online.  And it never works, ever.  Their servers are always "under repair"  Fuck them.  Then he says "This only happens when your here." Yeah, I'm sure.  The statistical probability. of that happening is almost zero.

6) Xbox live costs $50 per year.  Get a computer, ou can play online free.  Numb nuts.

7) It breaks, and crashes like a bitch.  My friend has to have his, half on the Tv station, and half on the ground, because the cable that connects the Xbox's Video card to the Tv is fucky.  If he moves the Xbox in anyway, the signal gets corrupted.  The controller cord, also sucks.  My friends second controller, always gets disconnected, because the cord is frayed.

8) I rule.  And Xbox doesn't.  End of discussion.
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