I'm bored

Aug 03, 2004 22:39

Ten people I enjoy the company of…
1.Jessica 2.Jayla 3.my dog 4.Christian 5.Angel 6.Holly 7.Devonta 8. my brother 9.Brandon 10.

Five things I want to do before I die…
1.Find my true love 2. marry him 3. own a mansion 4.have a block party 5. get a scholarship playing basketball

Seven things im wearin:
1. shirt 2.pants 3.socks 4.slippers 5.underwear 6. earings 7. neckalace

Seven things on my mind
1. school 2. grandma 3.wat time is it? 4. 10:33 a this second 5.Stephanies cousin 6. Christian 7.were is my dog?

Six items I touch everyday...
1.my hair 2.my clothes 3.my bed 4. my dog 5. my camera 6. my phone

Five things I do everyday...
1. eat 2.sleep 3.go outside 4. play a game 5.talk

Five songs on my mind...
1. beyonce... naughty girl 2.kevin lyttle... turn me on 3. 4. kanye west... jesus walks 5.monica... u should have known better

Three things I think of when I wake up...
1.not another day 2.Christian 3.What should i wear

Two of my favorite foods...
1.pineapples 2.skittles

One person I love more than any other…
.....MY OLDER SIS.....
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