Jan 03, 2005 06:21
hola to you all!! well, i havent updated in awhile so i thought it was time to say some stuff...well,i had a great new years and christmas at that. i have had a good few weeks and yeah...exams are this week and i am not at all excited i guess i should probably study more instead of being on the computer but oh well. anyway, i havent done alot lately except practice and practice. not to mention some homework, and chilling with friends.i hung with kait last friday and that was fun we watched wicker park which was GAY!! then we talked on the telephone and watched more tv and just talked. then saturday we had practice but not at usual time it was at 10 *big grin* which made me happy!! then i came home did some homework studied and then got on the phone with jordan. then about 6ish he came over and we "watched" little black book (also a very gay movie). but we didnt do anything wrong i mean...j/k. but we had fun and yeah...then sunday i had to finish my stupid homework and deliver cheesecake and then i came home with my new pictures (i love pictures) from christmas and school and they were funny. if you wanna see them you got to come over though because some could embarasse (sp) some people and i wouldnt do that to people unlike some people who have no heart or respect for people *cough cough* and you know who you are!! anywho then i was pooped and went to bed about 10ish after desparate housewives got over. and today i came home and fell onto my bed and crashed for about 2 hours and now i am here at the computer writing about my boring life...how sad j/k but it is kinda sad but thats what happens when you hit high school right?