Blimey. Three years since I last posted in here. Pretty difficult to sum up what's happened in three years in a blog, unless it's going to run to 300 pages. So, I will summise.
Got married
Still married
Have two new cats - Pickle and Muffin (pictured), both bonkers
Got made redundant
Got offered a secondment for six months - ended up staying for 18
Got offered a job eventually
Now work with mental people - seriously, they are
It's a mental health trust
Doing PR, media, communications, design and managing all our websites
I still live in the same village - different house, although gradually undergoing refurbishment
I now have a nephew, who is the spawn of Satan (aren't they all)
Who is two, and can be the sweetest thing ever, unless he's manipulating the forces of the underworld
I keep him in the basement when he visits
I now have six chickens - Britney, Paris, Hinge, Bracket, Cagney and Lacey.
They lay scrummy eggs every day, which I eat and sell.
Hubby hates eggs
Travelled to the US for the first time in October (New York), which was superb.
I miss Gatorade, decent bubblegum and really cheap shopping.
I don't miss American subway employees - almost as rude as their British counterparts
i wish i'd bought an iPod in New York because mine went dead when I got home and ended up paying twice as much as I would have done buying a new one over here.
I have a new iMac, which means no more relying on Windoze laptops
I have had tonsilitis for the past two weeks and it's pissing me off