Just for Lauren...

Jul 03, 2008 16:26

These are just for you, but anyone else can read XD

Your Name: Holly Addison
Character's Name: Holly Armando
Age: 23
Occupation: Defence Attorney
Brief Physical Description: She's a black haired woman of average build, and has red eyes. She has both ears pierced, and often wears black and red in a combination. She loves wearing male clothing, and often wears ties, ect.
Brief Personality Description: Has a very hot-headed nature, although can be very shy at times. Became a lawyer because of a childhood experience, and drinks a lot of coffee. She always has to hammer her point home.
Connection to canon characters (if applicable): Is the daughter of Diego Armando, and an unknown mother (possibly Mia Fey).
Brief Background: She lived with some foster parents until she was old enough to leave home and go study law. When she was 15, a teacher at her school introduced her to the world of law, and she decided to become a lawyer, her father was unknown to her at this point. It was her first lawsuit that made her aware of her father, as he was being trialled for murder. She asked the defendant's name, and told him her name. When he heard her name, he passed out, and the court declared him innocent. She now lives with him her rented apartment, catching up on her life and learning all about his and what he had accomplished in his life.


Isn't it funny how life changes in a split second? Realising that you have family, when you've lived as a foster child for so long, it really affects your life. This is my story.

As a child, I had a very strong sense of justice, and it was my English teacher who said I could put my skill to good use, and become an attorney. And since then I trained to become a lawyer. I swear, my natural intake of caffeine was well above normal levels, it was weird.

So, I became an attorney, and my first case I'll never forget. I waited in the defendant's lobby for my client to arrive, so I sat and made a cup of coffee. About 5 minutes later, he arrived.

I walk up to him, and ask his name.

“Diego. Diego Armando.” he says. Same last name? Coincidence, I thought.

“Well, I'm Holly Armando, nice to meet you, and I'll-” and he passed out at my feet.

I sat him down on the couch, and waited for him to return to conciousness.

“Are you ok? You passed out.” I say, softly.

He looked up at me, and smiled.

“You look so much like Mia.” he said, ignoring my question.

I questioned him further.

“Excuse me? I'm a little confused. I don't know anyone called Mia. And why did you pass out when you heard my name?”

He sits up, and takes my coffee and drinks it.

“Where to begin...I believe I'm your father. I hope so, at least. What colour eyes do you have?” he says, looking at me through that weird visor.

“Um...red?” I reply, not really knowing where this conversation is going.

He smiles, and nods.

“I knew it, you are my daughter. Anyway, a great defence attorney, Mia Fey and me, we dated for a while, and she gave birth to a child shortly before she was killed. I looked after you for a short time, but I couldn't look after you since she died, you reminded me of her, her beautiful face, you have it. Then I left you at the orphanage, and I don't really know what happened after that.” he said, a little solemn.

I looked at him, and smiled.

“So I have family...anyway, what are you here for?” I said, trying to get back to business.

He sighs, and shakes his head.

“I'm on trial for murder. The murder of Misty Fey.” he said.

“I'll do my best. But remember,” I say, and as if he knew what I was thinking, spoke aloud with me, “The only time a lawyer can cry is when it's all over.”

He smiles.

“You're my girl. Go get 'em.”

The court decided he was Innocent, and we walked home to my apartment.

The first thing I did which seemed to amuse him was make a coffee.

“How do you drink yours?” he asked.

I spin around, and smile.

“Black, no sugar.” he smiles, and we speak at the same time again. “Hot nights and hotter coffee.”

We both laugh, and I make him a coffee too.

“Just like your old man, eh.”

“So, why do you wear that visor thing?” I asked, gulping my coffee.

He takes the visor off, and shrugs.

“Well, my hair used to be brown, but I was poisoned, and I nearly died. My hair turned white, and my eyesight failed, and to see properly, I wear that. But I cant see red on a white background, or red very well at all.”

“Wow...that's bad. And is it your fault I drink so much coffee?” I say, gesturing towards the cup.

He nods sheepishly, and grins.

We talk and laugh and catch up on everything and I realise everything is going to be fine.

“How about I introduce you to some friends of mine, hmm?” he says, pulling out his phone and dialling a couple of numbers.

“Yeah, ok, that's cool.” I reply, smiling.

Later, everyone arrives at my door.

A tallish guy wearing a tracksuit is first to comment on my beauty, and then a blonde haired ladies-man tried hitting on me. A girlish looking bloke with pointy hair came next. A grey haired man smiled, and brought me a gift, and then a young woman with hair in loops greeted me with “Hello cousin.”

Everyone only just fitted into my apartment, and I struck up conversations with Phoenix and Pearl.

“You know, I'll always be here to look after you, your mother was my boss for a while, and I feel I need to look after you.” Phoenix was smiling softly.

I nodded. “That's very kind of you, Phoenix, thank you.”

Pearl grinned. “I have a cousin! That's awesome! You have a fella?”

I grinned. “Nah, and just don't expect me to have kids, I'm not sure if I could afford the coffee.” I joked, pointing to Diego.

Larry came over to me, and started quoting Romeo and Juliet at me, it was sweet.

“Would you like to go out for dinner?” I asked him, sweetly.

He tripped over his words, and stuttered.

“Take that as a yes, then. Come on, grab your coat.” I said, with a drooling Larry following.

5 months later, me and Larry married, and had our first child, Damien Nicolas Armando. We decided to keep my name, as it sounded better. We lived with my dad in my apartment, and he slept on the sofa. When Damien was one, we woke one morning to find him eating the coffee grounds from the jar. Oh there goes my salary bonus.

When Damien was 4, we had another little boy, called Alexis James Armando. He also had a liking for coffee. Diego didn't help much by swapping all the decaf for full strength stuff.

When they were 15 and 11 respectively, Klavier turned up on my doorstep, and brought them two guitars, and insisted on giving them lessons. Of course they were naturals.

Larry had become a guitarist too, he was almost as good as Klavier. Him and the boys formed a band, and did shows down the local pub. Sometimes I don't know why they bother.

Also, recently, Diego and Nick, as we now call him, had become a little too close to be 'just friends' as they put it. I found out how close they really were one night after taking Larry and the boys out to the cinema, and I found them on the sofa fucking. Larry covered the kid's eyes, as they ran into MY bedroom, the cheek of it.

5 years later, Larry and me really wanted a little girl, and the luck of the gods, I gave birth to Mia Hikari Armando. She had beautiful hazel eyes, and weighed 6lbs, and 5oz. She and her brothers got on well, and Damien and his girlfriend had just had a child together. They decided to call the child Joel Andrew Armando. Alexis had just finished secondary school, and went to study law, to become a lawyer. Damien however, wanted to be a guitarist. Klavier agreed and they made a duet.

Unfortunately, 2 years later Klavier died of a drug overdose, and Damien soon followed, causing great pain for everyone. The overdose was attributed to a act of rape, Klavier and Damien the innocent victims. Alexis and Mia were heartbroken, and Diego had driven himself into seclusion, not talking to anyone, not even Nick. I myself was holding everyone together, just.

Larry decided to make something of his life, and became a author, writing a best seller entitled:

Klavier Gavin and Damien Armando: The rise and fall of the rock gods.

Both Alexis and Mia became successful lawyers, Mia a defence, and Alexis a ruthless prosecutor. One time, they faced each other in court, and it ended in a hung court, the defendant killed himself. Mia broke down on the stand, the death reminding her of her brother.

But happier times were to follow. Diego and Nick married and adopted a young boy named Richard. He was short and liked to eat paper, with mousy brown hair.

And Damien's son Joel became a fully fledged fighter-pilot pilot for the army, winning several awards for bravery.

All in all, my life was a average life, but the people in it were extraordinary, and the feelings they conveyed could only be described as human. True human qualities that make a person a person, not a robot.

walrus, life, school

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