Apr 20, 2006 12:05
A friend: "But most people don't like you when they first meet you. You either scare or annoy them..."
Okay, so, there's more to that, but that was the specific comment that caught my attention. And it got me to thinking. See, I know that I can come across a bit strong, but I also tend to think of myself as charming. Obviously, this perception is not shared with the entirety of the world. So my question is, what did you think of me when you met me? Did I scare you? Annoy you? Or did you like me? (those who felt general ambivalence don't have to do anything) Just tell me. 'Cuz right now, I'm all self-conscious about first impressions, and I don't need to be.
Addendum: Kim yesterday said I was "approachable". I'm not sure what that means.