Feb 27, 2006 22:50
I accepted a nice gig today. I would theoretically start rehearsals end-of-Marchish and run through September, with a month off. Pay is pretty darn good...uh...for here. I'll await the contract before divulging the details.
I also heard today that my voice teacher is trying to get me to go to Italy for two weeks for a training session with a friend of his. Now, I am not getting my hopes up, because this show will probably kill it...BUUUUUUUT how freakin' cool would that be? Especially considering how all the voice kids here are about to go to Europe for Spring Break. Once again, I'll post more when I know more.
And...what else...oh, one new monologue (not done yet, but coming), and I would like to hunt for two more before I get REAL busy. Also, I think I need a new headshot. I'm actually starting to age, and (aside from the general consternation associated therein) I don't quite see that picture when I look in the mirror anymore.
In fact, I should probably be reading instead of typing (just discovered a brace of interesting new playwrights), so there's my life in short, with the extended release version coming soon.