A day of contrasts

Apr 24, 2012 08:44

Yesterday was truly a day of contrasts. Early in the day I was kindly offered tickets for the dress rehearsal of the COC's upcoming show. I figured I had time to get through my afternoon refereeing gig, get home, get cleaned up and fed and out for a show at 7.30. It turned out to be a close run thing.

I was scheduled to referee a junior boys game at 2pm and and a girls game at 3.10 pm. The weather was foul; cold, wet and windy with a touch of snow. The first delay was related to the pitch. It was only marked for soccer and one sideline was hard up against an asphalt running track. There were also metal sprinkler heads in the playing area. We decided to mark off a line 5m in with cones but that took a little bit of time. I got through the boys game OK to find that both girls teams had essentially identical kit. This resulted in another thirty minute delay while someone found T shirts for one team to put on over their jerseys. Both teams were very inexperienced and conditions were bad. The rugby, if such it could be called, was appalling. Still, I did my best to help them get a game out of it and the coaches were appreciative of my efforts. By the time we were done it was pushing five o'clock and I had the best part of an hour TTC journey to get home. I was cold and wet. Fortunately the TTC co-operated and I managed to avoid hypothermia.

I got in to find there was a problem with my tickets but my kind friend was trying to arrange replacements. By 6.45 I was clean, fed (sort of) and looking respectable enough but there was still no confirmation on the tickets. I headed out anyway trusting to luck. The story continues...

This entry was originally posted at http://chickenfeet.dreamwidth.org/1015370.html. You can comment here or there as you choose.

opera, refereeing, rugby

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