Under way

Apr 17, 2012 09:46

The rugby season is well started. Last week I refereed two pre-season high school tournament; one at St. Mike's and one at Weston CI. Quite a contrast; fee paying Catholic school with immaculate artificial turf field vs. public high school in relatively low income neighbourhood with dusty unmarked field. It all went quite well considering.

This week marks the start of the season proper. Today I've got two early afternoon games on the artificial pitch at Birchmount stadium. City champions Northern SS vs. Humberside CI; seniors followed by juniors. Thursday I'm back at Birchmount for a senior game; city runners up Malvern CI again vs. Humberside CI. Then I close my week out at Don Mills CI for senior and junior games against Weston CI.

In between I get to fit Tales of Hoffman at the COC on Wednesday night.

This entry was originally posted at http://chickenfeet.dreamwidth.org/1013071.html. You can comment here or there as you choose.

opera, refereeing, rugby

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