why I'm cool and everyone else sucks butt

Aug 12, 2007 22:13

Good news
On Friday night I helped my mate Zeljko with his auditions for the tv show he's making. After all the real actors went home I read for a part. I didn't take it seriously, the whole process was just a bit of a giggle. This afternoon I got a call from Zeljko, I assume to ask if I can email him some photo's I took Friday night but he was calling to offer me the part. It's only a tiny part in 1 episode but I'm actually feeling nervous about it 'coz I've just realised that I've got to take it a bit more seriously and try to work with trained actors. Starts in fun...

Bad news
Stef and I went to catch a movie tonight, we were torn between a few choices but settled on seeing "knocked up". I know a bunch of dudes who've seen it and I've heard nothing but good things about it, seemed like a safe bet.
How wrong we were! What a massive turd it is. It's a wicked irony that the only remarkable thing about that movie is how OUTSTANDINGLY BLAND it is from start to finish. It's like one of those sequels that gets made to cash in on the success of its predecessor but it's rushed out too quickly so none of the ideas or plot lines are fully formed and the whole thing lacks any kind of cohesiveness. I think Stef said it best "it's like they wrote the story and said 'We'll put the jokes in later'".
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