Philippine TV's finest hour

Jul 14, 2006 01:12

GMA's documentary program i-Witness makes the claim about being Philippine TV's finest hour, and rightfully so. The show has won numerous accolades for such work as Howie Severino's Little Bad Boy: Batang Rizal sa Europa.

So naturally, the MTRCB had to step in. The board recently suspended the show because of another Howie Severino documentary, this time featuring a 200-year-old ritual of women playfully parading and displaying wooden phalluses during weddings. The episode, ironically enough, was titled "Hindi Ito Bastos" and featured the ritual's role of celebrating marriage and binding the community. The show was found to be offensive for “showing … exaggerated large phalluses and masturbation” which “do not fall within G and PG classification applying contemporary Filipino values and good customs as standards.”

(Can I just say that I loove the line about how that exaggerated large phalluses weren't part of good values? So if they had just shown small penises, that would have been ok?)

You can follow all the fallout over at Howie's blog. He also posted the YouTube link to the controversial documentary, as well as a link to a previous feature about Pepe's Myth.
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