The only photo I got of Liam as a baby. Because Gadwin stuffed up.
Lily spent most of Liam's childhood ignoring him and playing in the pool. He was on the kitchen floor most of the time.
This is Liam as a child. I missed all of his toddler days. He was so cute too =[.
Now that Liam isn't much work Lily's taken an interest in him. Reading to him autonomously .
and tucking him into bed at night.
Their first interaction since Liam was born.
Liam: So you're my father hey?
Hunter: huh...who's talking.
Lily's knocked up again
I knew I should have moved him in earlier.
It's another boy, Dean. He got everything off Lily.
Liam played 'don't wake the llama' Through Dean's birth, he didn't even acknowledge him.
Hunter fails at being a Romance sim. All his wants revolve around taking care of Dean.
With Hunters money they got a new house. The old one was too big and started lagging after about 30 minutes.
I forgot to take photos of Dean when he grew up but he's so cute.
Liam's still so cute.
Hunter's still great with the kids.
More babies.
Two girls, Lauren and Kate. Kate is the light one and Lauren is the dark one, I think.
Dean grew up. So cute *SQUEE*
Liam brings this girl home nearly everyday. think he's trying to tell me something?
The twins grew up, they're adorable.
The twins are my favourite right now.
This took forever to get done. I haven't had the time to play. If any of you read
sim_spam you'll know why.
I might keep the updates short from now on so I can get them done quicker.