(no subject)

Apr 29, 2008 12:19

Last update Samantha finally found someone who was disgusted by her and had a baby.

Things seemed to be going well...

Emily was put in the crib without me having to tell Samantha to do so.

Samantha wasn't very happy about this. And apparently I didn't take many photos of Emily as a baby.

Here she is as a toddler.

Samantha's still cleaning everything. You fail as a messy sim Samantha!

You have all the toys you could possibly want why do you always play in the toilet?

Maybe because her parents are to busy making her siblings.

She flooded the bathroom and splashed around in it for hours. At least it  kept her out of the toilet.

Samantha's pregnant again.

Simon's actually an ok father. He bathes her

puts her in the crib

and teaches her to walk...and what's Samantha doing while Simon's taking care of their daughter?

Building herself an army of evil snowmen.

Simon even gives her bottles when she hungry.

Meanwhile Samantha's passed out on the front lawn.

She's getting fat now.

She didn't even burn the house down.

Her army is slowly starting to die melt.

She's not hungry Samantha! But you're trying I guess.

Not exactly the smartest thing to do Simon, Don't ya think?

Emily still won't move from the bathroom floor though.

I don't think your daughter who can't even read yet will be reading your diary Simon.

Trying to act all motherly before the new baby comes Samantha?

Cute penguin!

Does anyone else find it really amusing when grown men play in the bath?

You alright there Simon? (I think my games glitched.)

Samantha: Congratulations on me finding you attractive.

She always does this. It's getting annoying!

Time for another baby!

It's a girl Kiarra. Who is exactly the same as Emily. I rolled the pacifier Damn it!

Crap. We all know what this means!

Yep she had twins. A boy David. Who is just like Samantha.

The twins didn't get treated as good as Emily. They both went straight to the floor.

Letting your Toddler crawl in the snow like that isn't a good idea!

Dancing Toddler! Which means it's birthday time! (They had enough money to build a new house)

Emily as a kid.

First thing she does is jump on the bed. I think she was deliberately trying to get herself taken away. I's cancel the action and she'd start jumping again.

The twins are still neglected.

At least they both get put in the cot. But they're both dirty.

I had to tell him to do this. What happened to you Simon? You were the good parent!

Emily played with the game console when I wouldn't let her jump on the bed anymore. It was getting just as annoying as the bed jumping!

Why are you doing this? you have zero neat points!

That's more like you Simon.

You're not the most friendly sim are you Emily?

Pigging out on chips for dinner? She's very well fed!

Samantha! You actually did something useful without being told!

It's the twins birthday. David


Working on her creativity skills (about the only category she has skill points in)

Doesn't look like she wants to say mommy Samantha

Why are you so surprised? You've seen it plenty of times.

OMG!!! STOP IT!!!11eleventyone!!11

Stop doing this as well! it's just as annoying.

Still with the jumping on the bed!

and the splashing in the bathroom!

Great you're teaching your younger sister bad habits

Emily attempted fishing, she failed! didn't even catch an old boot.

I don't remember hiring a nanny. She takes worse care of the kids then Simon and Samantha do.

Her eyes are open. Freakish child.

This is her new thing. She's always on the piano. It's like she goes through phases of what her favourite thing to do is.

Now David's taken to flooding the bathroom instead of Emily.

About the first and only time Emily interacted with her siblings while they were toddlers.

You never learn do you Samantha?

Eyes closed. Good. Keep it that way.

No one wanted to interact with the twins so they spent most of their time in the nursery with their toys.

Simon's nearly reached his LTW

Samantha on the other hand. Keeps getting fired. She hasn't even got to level four yet!
And she immediately gets a cold as soon as she comes home from work WTF!

Birthday Time! again....


Kiarra=Win David=Fail

After her makeover. I can't find David's makeover picture (Maybe I didn't take one)

and just like his older sister he started jumping on the bed.

Zero neat points WTF!

I think I'm going to leave this update here for now. I'm nearly finished gen 2 so the next update shouldn't be too far away!

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