(no subject)

Feb 16, 2006 18:28

I'm watching Joel going nuts on the Super Nintendo at his house. It's rather funny, haha. "Brianaaaaaaaa it's so HARD!!! Agggghhh!" LOL. I love Joel. I've known this guy for 3 years and he's my bestest friend. I've put him through a lot too; he puts up with my moodswings and my ever-changing list of crushes, he takes all my bullshit and forgives me. He's such a good friend. :D I know he's gonna read this too, so yeah. Thanks, Joel. You are my hero. Thanks for putting up with all my shit. You're the best.

Anyway, just thought I'd like to announce to the world my love for this guy. Not love like "relationship" love, but LOVE love. The real stuff.

Don't get me wrong, everyone else... I love you all. I just had to say something about Joel cause he's just been a good guy to me.

I love my friends, I really do!!!! All of you! And for those of you who don't feel I'm talking about you, then please know that I love you too. <3

I'm in such a loving mood today, it's so strange! I was so low earlier on, but I'm fine now. It's all good in the neighborhood.

Check this out, I thought that this was neat:

------------are like apples-------------------
---------on trees. The best ones-----------
------are at the top of the tree.--------
------The boys dont want to reach------
----for the good ones because they ------
-are afraid of falling and getting hurt.----
-Instead, they just get the rotten apples-
---from the ground that aren't as good,----
-but easy. So the apples at the top think---
-something is wrong with them, when in---
----reality, they're amazing. They just---
---have to wait for the right boy to-------
------- come along, the one who's-----------
------------- brave enough to-----------------
-----------------climb all----------------------
----------------- the way---------------------
----------------to the top--------------------
-------------- of the tree.------------------

Take it easy, ya'll.
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