Dec 08, 2004 20:13
This is F'n Bull Shit!! He thinks he can come back home and just fucking take back his old room. Well uh-huh ain't happenin. I'm not leaving that damn room. It's mine now. He lost it. I'm not taking all the god damn time moving all my shit back into my old room. It's just not going to happen. I'm perfectly fine right where I amand nobodys gunna make me move out. Cuz if I have to leave the damn room I'm just gunna say fuck it and leave this damn house because for the first time in my life I've actually been happy with where I sleep at night. I even moved 2 heavy son of a bitching couches all the way across the room all by myself to sleep there and nothing is changing that.
Today has been the worst day I have ever had. Nothing can get worse than it already is. The worst thing imaginable with Megan has happened (as I expected already cause she was so damn predictable) and that's gunna take a while to get over it. And I never even did anything to deserve it. I just don't get it. You do everything right and you still get punished for it. I've done everything for her! I was there when she needed me...I did everything she ever wanted and I still ended up getting my heart ripped out and trampled on. I need a friend to talk to. I've been brought to tears so much today it's not even funny. Megan even said that she'd never do it, that I had absolutely nothing to worry about because she loved me and she'd never do anything to fuck our relationship up. Well guess what...SHE LIED! I don't know if I'll ever be able to believe and trust her the same as old times. My life has been fucked up in the matter of let's see maybe 14 hours. I really need a hug or even just someone to talk to because ever since Josh left I haven't had a REAL friend to talk to. I think that's all I really need. Well that and to just put everything down in here. But writing stuff won't remove the pain, it just temporarily gets rid of it.
too bad only one person will read this...and that's the one person that already knows...