New Crediting Rule

Oct 04, 2005 11:41


Anyone found NOT crediting my icons in either the keywords or comment box of the icon(s) will be given three warnings to do so in their journal. If you still have not amended your mistake by the time two weeks have passed from the first warning, I will report your violation to _anti_theft_ and icontheft so that everyone will know what a cheat you are.

AND I will make it publicly known on this journal that you are an icon thief.

This is how you credit: Go to your icon upload page, via your LJ menu: Manage-->User Pictures. Somewhere within the icon's keywords OR comment box, type chicken_icons OR just 'chicken_icons'.

I know that a lot of people out there don't think that icon crediting is a big deal. Well, I'm sorry, but it bloody well is. A LOT of time and effort goes into designing, capturing, creating, and animating icons--icons that have been created for those people who don't have the creativity or equipment to do it for themselves. At least have the decency to type a few words into a keyword box as thanks.

And, yes, there may be over 200 users at this account, but that doesn't mean that I don't check to make sure you're doing the right thing. I don't want to have to make this journal Friends Only OR shut it down, but I will if people don't give credit where credit is due.

Edit: Added a Thief section to the user info page for non-creditors.
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