May 08, 2007 02:18
I can't really recap the past 2 months of my life where I've neglected the hell out of this little journal thingy, so I'm gonna update ther here and now instead.
It's finals week. Had my calc final today, and it was a mediocre finish to a mediocre semester in that class. I'll probably walk away with a C, but I don't care, I'm done with it. Physics is tomorrow and I'm not too worried. Orgo is Wednesday and I'm fucked beyond belief. Astro is Thursday and that class is a joke. Thursday night through Monday I will be drunk constantly to celebrate the end of the school year. Woot.
Made a brief trip to MIT today to blow off some of the leftover steam from calc onto the didders machine, and got my 200th AA, except I didn't realize it at the time and forgot which song was my #200. I think it was Breakdown, which would suck considering I hate that song.
I'm signed up for next years courses and they look so much better than this year's classes were. I'm taking:
CH301: chemical synthesis and analysis lab (basically, replicating published academic and pharmaseutical experiments)
CH351: physical chemistry 1 (all quantum mechanics, this class is going to be so cool)
AS202: solar system astronomy (joke class, gpa booster, cool professor)
AS311: planetary astrophysics (decent class, my friend did well in it and he's pretty lazy so it can't be too bad)
I got Pokemon Diamond for the DS, but can't access BU's WiFi since it requires a VPN >.< I'll have friend codes when I get back to Delaware on the 15th. That's all for now. Maybe I'll start updating this thing again. AHAHAHAHAHAHALOL.