So it's 12:20 on a Thursday afternoon and I get a call from my Mom. The first thing she says is, "I have some bad news."
Right away, I think the worst. They lost my dog. Someone died. Our house burned to the ground.
Instead, she tells me, "Someone stole your pole."
Apparently, someone pilfered the sculpture that I was working on this summer for my job (which was, by the way, one of the most fun and overwhelmingly stressful jobs I have ever had). I spent three months planning and conducting an outdoor art and environment project for teens in the local community, which culminated in a 20-foot carved totem pole sculpture in the park. There was even a nice little article in the Toronto Star last week about it
And then, a few days after the article came out...someone stole the pole.
Honestly, I don't really feel bad about the pole for my sake, but I do feel absolutely terrible for the artist and for the kids who came to the park practically everyday for two months to design and carve this thing. They were really excited and proud of their work. I also feel bad for the Scarborough Arts Council because I know that this project was a funding nightmare and they had to scrounge up $15,000 (!) just to pay for the pole alone.
I hope they find it, I really do. It can't be that difficult to spot a 20-foot wooden hydro pole with carvings all over it. Personally, I think that it was just a bunch of punks who probably chucked the thing into the forest. Morningside Park isn't exactly the Ritz, what with all the gang activity, drug dealers and male prostitutes.
The one little bit of silver lining to all this is the publicity. Because lord knows the art council could use some, even if this isn't the best way to get it.
here's a news brief about the pole being stolen. I wish there were pictures of it for people to see, because guys, it really is a beautiful, crazy piece.