Apr 17, 2004 23:20
yesterday i dont remember what i did right after school.. i remember walking home but thats it for the most part... and then i remember getting in fight with my dad and then umm i went and got new softball pants so i could play today and me and my mom got pizza.. i picked up my dance dress type thingy but i quit b/c i cant be in the main thingy we do :( and when we got home my brother was here and we ate and then me and my dad got in some fight as a joke but i hurt my leg.. then me my mom and brother ((vinnie)) were sitting at the table and i said something and my mom gos shut up asshole and my brother laughed for an hour... she got really mad i started laugh really hard but i really didnt find it that funny... then my carolyn and kat hung out for a while we called jimmy and we talked to johnny and joe too there where at some party... it was kinda funny... :) i think i like him :/ but idk
and then i cant home..
today i woke up at 3:00 in the morning b/c kat called me after i finally fell asleep at 1 and she told me something that i though was sooo cool but when i saw it i wanted to cry!!!... but it doesnt bother me now :) haha i fell bak asleep about 5 seconds after i got off... then i got bak up at 7:00 b/c my sister was getting ready to go to get soccer game or somthing... then i got ready for my softball game and we won 16-14... then i saw kat hung out wit her ... in the square sarah and sonia came... then me and kat walked to my house no one was home... so we went to walk up to fp bellrose school got bored and cut over on gladious ((sp?)) and went bak to my house... then my mom and sister just got home... me and kat went bak up to the square then went to her house... went online for a lil... went bak out for a walk went to get pizza.. then kats house again.. i went online started watching a movie... i walked home at 10:30ish b/c i have to come home tonight... n this is were i shall stay bye... ((that was kinda long)) sorry