Found Work, Lost Work...

Aug 17, 2011 19:18

Completely out of the blue I got a job offer just before the start of August.

I'll be honest I was surprised and excited, suddenly I'd have about 2-3 times as much money coming in as I currently do and would have something to do all day other than scratch my navel and mooch around the internet.
Unfortunately the job was basically one of the worst jobs I've ever done, actually it wasn't so much the job itself but the atmosphere of almost open hostility from the management when targets weren't being hit. By my 4th day they'd sacked over half the training group because they didn't feel they were capable of doing the job. I lasted a week and a half before I literally just couldn't bare the thought of going back in to such a pressurised environment.

Basically it was cold calling businesses to try and convince them to change their telecoms provider, in fact it was calling them to book an appointment for a rep to go out and try and convince them to change their telecoms provider. On paper this is possibly the easiest job in the world. However the sales office in Newcastle has been there for nearly 10 years and has about 20 staff calling 200 businesses a day each covering a relatively small area. Basically there isn't a business in Newcastle or the surrounding area that hasn't been called at least 3 or 4 times a month, some businesses would get 2 or 3 calls a day.

It wasn't so much the rejection from the businesses or the sheer volume of calls I was making, it was the simple realisation that this business model was failing and that the office manager would keep putting on more pressure as sales continued to drop.

So I left, I called on the Wednesday morning and just said to my boss "That's it. I'm done."

Now I'm looking for work again, but if anything this has taught me not to just jump in to the first job that comes along because it is more than likely going to be complete bollocks.
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