Love him or Loathe him: What's with the fan response to Daddy Winchester?We don't want to go crazy with rules, as we'd like this to be an open discussion. To that end, please just keep it respectful, and we won't have any trouble. Trolling, flaming, and other forms of abuse will not be tolerated, but otherwise, step on up. Open a beer, kick back
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Speaking as someone who openly and frequently admits without shame that I see the entire show through Dean-colored glasses, right from the start: I went through a period of DADDY SUCKS. Because, you see, being all Dean-centric, it *tore me up,* the tearful voice mail message and Dad not being there. For either of them, but y'know, it's gotta hurt Dean worse that Dad's not there, because he's the eldest, the loyal one, the dutiful one, the good son.
The DADDY SUCKS period was followed (at the point where Sam leaves his *own* tearful voice message) with a John-you-sonuvabitch period mingled with pity for him. Because I figured either he's just a selfish deadbeat SOB of a Dad, OR, whatever he's up against must be so TERRIBLE because how much it must hurt him to not be able to go to the boys when they need him.
Right along the character fascinated me--combination of the character and JDM, who does such amazing work with so little screentime.
He's not really an either/or character for me--he's such an ambivalent figure, with lots of compassion and pain but also remote and absent. Simultaneously the best dad ever, spending time with his kids, training them (John Winchester and demon hunter training: Sam and Dean's anti-drug) and at the same time dragging them through a very screwed up childhood.
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