Would you go with me if we rolled down streets of fire? Would you hold on to me tighter?

Jan 31, 2007 16:33

Hello, LiveJournal. I'm writing to you because I'm sleep deprived, achy, and honestly... I have no one else to talk too. Pretty sad. Yes my life is awesome~! I guess I'll just update like a normal kid.

I got a new computer and it already came. I'm hesitant to open it... I don't adapt well to changes in technology when I'm used to and happy with the current ones. Don't know if I'm ready to say goodbye to my desktop. Perhaps I shall just look at it for awhile and then make the switch. Ease into it. With the hours I've been working at Starbucks, I need to ease into just about everything right now. Almost all of my shifts are 8 hour nightmares, and I usually end up staying later. I've already worked three 9-11hour shifts in the last 2 weeks. D: I know a lot of people work 40 hour weeks all the time, but I'm just not used to it yet. And everything on my body hurts. Even my fingernails and eyebrows. Yes that's right.

I've been pretty lonely as there is NO ONE home to hang out with, but the awesome thing is that this weekend (the 2nd and 3rd) I will be visiting my dad and the weekend after that (10th and 11th) I am going up to Messiah for the whole weekend and getting in some quality roommate/girltime before I leave for Italy. <3 I miss my friends so freaking much I can't even begin to go into it.

I think Mom and I are gonna go out for hot fudge sundaes tonight. Oh man, and American Idol's on.

... what have I been reduced to?! D:

And just because I haven't fully demonstrated my ADD yet, feast your eyes on my WIP of this nice cherry blossom girl with fishy lips. <3

I swear, I need to get on that plane before I experience any more cabin fever. But first, I need a backrub. A really good one. Everytime I breathe my back muscles spasm... I think I need to lie down. Might stick on Memoirs of a Geisha (since that's become my new favourite movie) and stare at/figure out my laptop for awhile.

I miss Andrew. :(
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