(no subject)

Sep 27, 2007 23:13

My friends and I talk about if we are all going to go on facebook and AIM when we are like 30 and have kids, and I sincerely hope we do because thats funny. So in that spirit, I will make a random lj update!

Ummm, so I'm at school. I was thinking the other day how I am absolutely in love with my school and my friends and my life here. I should be like Northeastern spokesperson haha. There is just so much more opportunity and excitement here and I'm actually in a place where things happen. I'm just very glad the whole college experience has worked out for me so far because I pretty much picked randomly, so perhaps there was some fate involved. To make myself sound even more nerdy, I feel like this is the first time I ever really appreciated learning. Like I enjoy going to all my classes and learning things a lot, to the point where I don't mind having a lot of work. I'm still pretty lazy, but maybe I don't hate doing work any more. I'm thinking about just staying here and taking classes and/or getting an internship over the summer because there is definitely nothing for me to do in Corning other than work for minimum wage at the Madness, which frankly I'm not too pumped about. Hopefully it works out, but seeing as I would have to pay for housing, it's probably not too practical.

I went to a study abroad meeting the other day, and I'm really excited to go somewhere fun next fall semester! Hopefully this time next year I will be in Dublin...thats my first choice. Anywhere foreign is amazing because I love to travel and this is my only opportunity to do it for a long time seeing as I will be paying student loans for the next nine thousand years. Oh well, maybe I will end up marrying someone rich who will fly me all over the world. No, probably not.

I guess there is nothing else to say at the moment. I'm currently sitting in my lovely apartment not doing homework even though I really should. Oh yeah, and the Office is amazing! Hope everyone is doing well!
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