(no subject)

Sep 29, 2006 17:05

I'm sick. Its no fun being sick. I'd say I'm one of the bitchiest sick people around, seeing as the worst I ever get is a cold and that makes me pretty much feel like I'm dying. On top of that the though, its no fun being sick in college. There is nobody here to take care of you. No mommy to make me tea and bring me tissues. My roommate Alex got sick from our friend Mike, and then of course she had to make me sick. I tried really hard to stay healthy, but it obviously didn't work. Now, however, I have discovered that Jenn and male Alex who are also sick found out today they have strep, meaning I probably do too. So I need to go to the doctor soon and get a stick shoved down my throat, something I am not really looking forward to. To top it all off, however, Alex went home this morning, and my other roommate Michelle just called me as I was coming home from class and told me she randomly decided to go home too because she didn't want to catch whatever we all have. Therefore, I will be closed off in my tiny room all by myself for the next two days. I don't really want to tell my mom because I can see her going crazy and driving all night to come up here. I know none of you care at all, I just felt like throwing myself a pity party, so I did.

If nobody hears from me, it means I died of some weird alien disease and nobody has found my body yet.
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