It's Sunday :(

Nov 09, 2008 22:13

So I was right, once again.. and the big suprise was a helicopter ride in Newport..
Except we didnt get to go because it was too foggy, so we rescheduled it for Tuesday.. 
Which on the way, we will be allowing ample time to go to Best Buy and get the new TAYLOR SWIFT CD!!!!!    :)

Thursday night we went to dinner at The Melting Pot.. It was really good but I've been sick for the last week so I didnt have a very big appetite. Brandon called ahead and told them it was my birthday and asked that they put flowers at the table and all the employees signed a card for me, it was so cute! Then I was SUPPOSED to go out with SOMEONE who didnt CALL but I was so sick I couldnt be bothered to care, so I went with Brandon to his Midnight Madness to get a video game, came back, took a nyquill, and went to sleep.. It was fabulous lol

I'm actually looking forward to this week.. I only have school Monday and Thursday, my student teaching essay was turned in last week, and I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders..  Probably because I spent the weekend relaxing and not doing ANY homework.. (Hey, I figured its my birthday and I deserve it lol)  But yea.. thats gonna bite me in the ass later because I have tons of stuff to do from now until the end of the semester, its never ending..
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