(no subject)

Jan 28, 2007 11:37

Would people please stop telling me to do something about my crush!
I know what he'd say. ('No.') I know it would make it awkard.
He's got girls (friends, not just strangers) making passes at him all the time, and he tells me he doesn't like it and it makes him feel uncomfortable. I am not going to be another one of them!
He's one of my closest friends here and I Will Not Do Anything To Ruin That.

AN: This does NOT apply to anyone on LJ, you've all been terribly supportive. Just got annoyed with a RL friend who was bugging me relentlessly last night, echoing almost exactly what another friend keeps annoyingly telling me! I think the lesson here is not to tell RL people anything. I'm sticking to LJ!

In other news, went out with my Scottish mate Katie and her lot for her 21st. She was well pissed by the time I got there and we were rather afraid she wasn't going to get into the club because she was so staggeringly off her face already. I, however, didn't get drunk because I have no patience for bar queues that are like 20 minutes long. *sigh* However a good time was had by all.


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