Dec 24, 2005 00:39
My mom cries too easily and i feel bad for saying this but it pisses me off so much!
I started to wrap everyones gifts and I had to ask her what belonged to when i got to my 4-year old cousin hannah she started handing me gift after gift...i was holding 7 items!!! no they were prolly not all the expensive but my mom buys hannah stuff constantly and buys her and her mom tickets to shows like finding nemo on ice and the circus all the time....its cute and all but my mom doesnt realize that there are 6 other cousins and theyre all only going to get 1 or 2 gifts...
i know xmas isnt about gifts...but when youre 10 and under it prolly is to you...when you see your other cousin opening gift after gift from the same person it could look bad...and personally it annoys me...and my mom always yells at my dad about money...saying she has no money all the time and might have to dip into my college savings to pay bills...but then she can pay like 40$ a ticket to see princesses on just annoys me too because my cousing Sara is hannahs sister and she feels like everyone loves hannah more because they all spoil her and she gets nothing...
so i told my mom that i didnt think we should give hannah all 7 gifts because it could make other people feel bad and it will spoil her...and then she started crying talking about me and my college...
i just always try and save money because i know my mom doesnt have much money at all...every x-mas and bday i try not to ask for alot if ne thing because i know she pays for me to live all the time. so i dont want ne thing this time of year she struggles to give gifts...
yes this xmas i am asking for a new cell phone but thats only because were switching phone companies and i have to bring this fone to college and in college its going to be more important to me than it is now because its basically one of my only forms of communication with people since everything will be long distance so i need a phone that will last...and i offered to pay for part of it.
i'm sorry but i just feel like spoiling a 4yr to death even when its not her bday or xmas is just bad because shes gonna grow up wanting everything and expecting it because she gets everything from either my mom or my aunt debbie....i can go on about how much money has been spent on her...but i wont because i know alot has been spent on me...but i look at shane, jake, spencer, sara, and angel and look at what theyre getting...its not alot...and hannah has 7 gifts to open...
it bugs me.
i think it bugs me more because i try too hard to save my mom money because i feel guilty that i spend her money when she doesnt have alot...she has always struggled to provide for my brother and me while we were growing up, and she still is but not as bad. and now to add to this my brother has put himself and partly my mom too into a huge amount of debt, and that plays on my guilt. i know its not my fault, but i know my mom has to give more money to my brother to help him because she can never say no and wouldnt want to see my brother in trouble. so i try not to have her pay for much of my extra expenses...i made 1500$ over the summer and its all gone. im not complaining because it basically all went into my car, but i guess i just wnat reconition for trying to be good and not spend more than i have to.
gahhh i dunno....i dunno why my mom spoiling my cousin to death bothers me...i just didnt like it when hannah was pointing out what American Doll shes wants and cassandra telling her she cant get it and hannah replying "that's ok mommy, auntie betsy will buy me another one, ill get it dont worry"