Interview meme

Jun 11, 2010 23:48

Hello guyz, i have seriously only five minutes to post only this meme. So without intros, i'll write something more senceful after Sunday (my performance and such). Next week will be finally free. Sorry, i'm more active on twitter lately

- Leave a comment saying "TOFFEE".
- I'll respond by asking you five questions to satisfy my curiosity.
- Uptade your journal with the answers to your questions.
- Include this explanation and offer to ask other people questions.

from sakuranbokissx

1. I remember you mentioning that you had some anime fandoms before...why not pick one or two of them and talk about you discovered them/came to love them?
★ indeed, there was a time when i was real m&a tard, as for now it got abate a bit after i got into kpop i guess. anyways, i still opine that i am a fan. my the biggest anime crush was (is) on Code Geass.  ask me why? i bet it's because of every single existing reason. starting from a big sum of amazing characters, where everyone has own, interesting story, everyone is loved in other way, you can't have enough of enyone there. that's why Geass need to be watched more than one time - to get know even part of characters properly. and ending with the most addictive plot ever, full of unexpected swings of action. love it. really, really much. 
2. Are you a breakfast person - as in, do you like to eat a big breakfast after you wake up? (If not...well, then I guess the only thing to do is to give some reasons for why not? :3)
★ i totally am! first though sweeping past through my head after i wake up it's - 'hmm, what that yummy i can eat in da moment'. like, seriously, i'm not kidding. then it depends on the day, if it's weekend, holidays or something like that i can eat really much for breakfast, when it's school day it's rather smaller. anyways, what's sure - i'll never go out without eaten breakfast, and it doesn't matter how much time i have, i have to eat it when sitting! that's probably why i'm usually late in school :x
 3. If you had to pick, which would you choose - being forever eternally young & living forever...or finding out the secrets of life all at one time but dying (relatively) young?
★ i'm afraid of death but more than it i'm afraid of eternity. so yeah, i'm choosing dying.
 4. Quick - you see Taemin walking across the street toward you! How would you react & what would you say to get his attention?
★ uugh! i was trying to think up something else and better than fainting. to be honest THIS is the question which troubles me the most because... i totally don't know how would i react. i wonder if i'd be even able to say anything seeing Taemin face to face, i hope so. but what to say to not turn out as a next fangirl like bilions of others? i bet trying to act oblivious Polish girl, who don't know him at all and just start a talk like with regular boy. but's so cheating! i don't know if i could cheat him ;w;

5. In the same situation as in Question #4, if Taemin had time to spend the day with would you want to spend that precious time with him? ^^  
★ that's a little bit easier. i have two options. first - a really, really cool and nice town trip. and second - village, lake, meadows, flowers, sun and horses, me and Minnie. don't laugh, yeah, that's how i'm dreaming. i love riding

from kickbuhttninja

1. Taemin vs. Kyuhyun. Which do you pick? ;D

★  you bastard. know that this question is wrong, right? just the most evil up here. HOW EVEN COULD YOU FORCE ME TO PICK ;O (okay, joking).   I feel totally not able to think in this category. and even if i'll choose i'll have to write pages of explanations.
after long time while thinking about it, i admited that it'll be probably Kyuhyun. can you allow me to leave it just like this? i'm too confused.

2) If you could pick an idol to marry; besides Taemin & Kyuhyun who would you pick?

★ next incredibly evil question. but it's not so bad, i can just list, I CAN'T SAY if i better like to marry Ki Kwang or Joon or Mir or Donghae or GD or Jung Min. D: i'm picking them all, okay?

3) Which member in Super Junior isn't really your favorite?

★ hmmm... it's hard as well, i love them all it's so obvious. but maybe... Shindong or Ryewook (but his Attack on the pin-up boys role!) or Yesung (but his octopus dance!)? so... Shindong? sorry, i really love him too.

4) If you could pick a band to disband; which would it? LOL EVIL QUESTION

★ T-ara, KARA - sorry, i just dislike you.

5) If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
★ actually... i'm good with the place i live. i haven't been  to my dream place yet and i can't speculate that somewhere there would be better if i haven't been there, right? let's stay here.


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