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Jul 31, 2004 01:30

hey so im bored cuz sivans sleeping and no one is online.so id thot id take advantage of all this time i have to update. soooo..

so today i woke up and went to lunch with racheal her mom and my mom. it was pretty fun, cuz its always good to see racheal (we were diper buddies) we make some kinda tuna with napkins mustard ketchup salt pepper and some green stuff. hungry? so after that my mom wanted to go to BJs but i got her to drop me off at the mall. the first store i walk into i see slate n her friend from georgia so i hung out with them for 45 minutes or so and then my mom picked me up. after that i went to the movies with sivan brittany and jose. at first we went to see the bourne supremicy but that got boring and confuing so wen left to see I Robot! it such a good movie! i also found out that yellow little sour things SUCK. dont eat them. lol so my mom picked us up we went home and played with my nigger kitty and then went to bed. or at least sivan did.

few nites ago i spent the nite at brittanys (which i havnt done in a long time) and we chilled in her computer room mostly talking on the fone with jason jose and jasons friend billy. he is VERY open but not like that lol. so basically me n britt danced and talked on the fone the whole time or in the later hours. the next morning i didnt wake up till THREE PM and lemme tell you, it felt great. i love waking up late cuz it just reminds me were still in summer =)

gotta love it
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