Wall share

Mar 05, 2008 01:40

Snoring neighbor pisses me off. I don't know his name, he told me once, but when a person snores this loudly they are not remembered by name,only by their actions. His name is "snoring neighbor" he has encouraged me to listen to more talk radio as I fall asleep, which is nice but makes it harder to fall asleep because I become too interested in the topics.
I am a horrible student. Baby steps are the answer to new beginnings, not jumping into 3 jobs and full-time school headlong after crisis (or whatever the hell happened back there.) I'm so bad at putting the money before the education...and then because the work wears on me, I put sleep before education. Sleep, come one, Jaime, fucking sleep before homework and papers and good grades, what kind of priorities are those, really? I don't know, Ive always lacked motivation and I'm quite bored by my classes, I don't want to be a social worker so social work classes aren't interesting to me and the funny part is, I work in the system and what I'm learning about is candy-coated bullshit. I laugh at people's posts in our online discussions "When I am a social worker I'll do all I can to make sure..." Then I go to court with a client and see a judge squash a social worker to jiggling, crying, mess and I think, what the hell are these classes preparing me for, not reality...I'll tell you that much. They are preparing me to work hard to pay off loans though, I think that's what college course do. I mean, don't get me wrong, i love to learn and take classes, but I'm more into the abstract, things that allow me to think more, not practices and policies...eek, that's my hell.
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