(no subject)

Apr 28, 2005 17:50

this is getting pathetic...
but I love it

1. Your real name: Stephanie Ann Collard
2. Friends call you: Steph, Steves, Sexy Stevie
3. What your boy/girlfriend calls you: nothing...im lacking the boyfriend part of that question...but i guess the most recent nickname would be sugarplum
4. What name would you rather have?: I deal with stephanie
5. What are the ugliest names you can think of?: Myrtle!
6. If there was a song about you, what would it be called?: She's Amazing...obviously
7. What would you name your kids?: Tristen and some other name.
8. What would you name a ship if you built one?: i dont know...you pick.
9. If you wrote a book, what would it be called?: ummmm...pick again

Have you ever...

10. Thrown up in public?: no
11. Eaten or drank anything spoiled?: yah..a yogurt..freakin slop shop..i HATE you
12. Had a rip in your pants that you didn't know about?: no I always know about them...but wear the pants anyways
13. Tripped while checking someone out?: no...i dont check people out...they check me out
14. Had to pay for something you broke?: no
15. Nearly drowned?: no
16. Passed out?: yeah in Boston
17. Had a crush on someone?: yes
18. Been stuck in the rain?: yes
19. Caught people having sex?: nope...havent had the pleasure of that one
20. Fallen asleep while driving?: nopers
21. Felt attracted to someone of the same sex?: cant say i have
22. Actually slipped on a banana peel?: no
23. Made a wish that came true?: maybe?
Complete the Sentence

24. I once had a dream: that I drove 5 hours to go pee.
25. I'm only racist towards: people that are different than me.
26. I don't even know why I'm: so fantastically hot.
27. I'd give anything to have sex with: myself.
28. Nothing sucks more than having to: hang out with people that arent as attractive as me.
29. If I had six bucks, I'd buy: you...just to get you off the streets
30. It's hot. I should take off my: pants.
31. It's always more fun if you: aren't near me.
32. You can't eat steak without: somthing incredibly greasy and unhealthy.

What would you do if...

33. A dirty old man at the airport slapped your ass?: I'd tell him to do it again.
34. Somebody was about to steal your car?: steal someone elses and run him over.
35. You woke up with a billion spiders crawling all over you?: light myself on fire
36. You farted while giving a persuasive speech in class?: work it into my speech.
37. You kiss someone and then you find out they have oral herpes?: have sex with them...and then admit that i have chlamydia
38. You had three wishes?: Summer.Camp.Graduation.
39. The government allowed you to choose one thing to be legalized?: your mom.
40. Britney Spears came to your door and asked for jumper cables?: give her a ride instead ;)
41. You had a time machine?: Go back to the day i was born and announce myself as the second coming.
42. FOX gave you a half hour show to do whatever you wanted?: How to look like me

Would you rather...

43. Find the cure for cancer or the cure for AIDS?: cancer. .
44. Have the power to fly or the power to teleport?: fly
45. Have the power to see the future or the power to record your dreams?: future
46. Be really skinny or really fat?: really skinny
47. Lost in a forest or stuck in a box?: stuck in a box..id break that shit up with my super human strength
48. Be in a drama movie or a comedy?: comedy
49. Be in a hip-hop video or a rock video?: hip-hop..shake muh ass u know
50. Have your birthday on Christmas Day or February 29th?: 29th.
51. Live in the sewer or Afghanistan?: sewers of afghanistan
52. Be in a mental institution or a penitentiary?: Pen.
53. Snow board or hang glide?:hang glide
54. Be a ninja or a pirate?: ninja. i join up my homeboys..or turtles whatever.

What's the first thing that comes to your mind when you read the following?

55. Courage: I
56. Driver: hate
57. Yoga: things
58. Bakery: like
59. Roach:this
60. Mushroom: pizza
61. Sprung: i like big butts
62. Exotic: fzdkgjkl;d
63. Pythagorean: DARRRYL


64. What is your definition of love?: dont have one yet.
65. Three words to describe you: amazing.fantastic.gorgeous
66. What is a secret that no one knows about you?: Im actually not attractive shhhh.
67. Who is your worst enemy?: do i have one?
68. Who is the last person you kissed?: stevie
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