im home. ive been in Louisiana all weekend. it was pretty uneventful, but i got to to hang out with my cousin MJ. and we went to his ex-girlfriend's house to play with her dog. she has a chihuahua :(:(:( !!! im so jealous. ugh.
so now im home and bored. gosh i cant stop thinking about getting a chihuahua. i cant help it. i would LOVE staying home all day and doing nothing if i had a little dog here to keep me company. i know every entry i say the same thing, it's just that it's ALWAYS on my mind. i make it worse by shopping online for the one i want. WHICH I FOUND!!! i know i always post a picture, but this is my final choice. this is the EXACT one i want. she's a teacup and wont get any bigger than 3 pounds!!! and i would name her Layla.
i wish we could have pets in dorm rooms :(:(:( i know i know, i shouldnt get one anyways. im gonna be so busy she wont get as much attention as she deserves. but i would take her EVERYWHERE, and always play with her. OK, ENOUGH!!
if you read this im sorry that i cant shut up about this dog! and im sorry for wasting your time.