break this fall; baekyeol

May 27, 2014 15:08

break this fall
drabble; fluff
Baekhyun goes out on a date, and it was terrible. But it's okay - almond jelly saves the day. Written for beaniebaeky based on baekyeolprompts' #79.

yooooo delane this is it *breathes heavily* it's not even a full length fic, i'm sorry. haha i don't have much practice in the area of writing cute so. enjoy? :)


That’s Sehun. Chanyeol knows Sehun’s voice by heart, since it’s all he ever hears since he decided to work in this restaurant. He shakes his head and looks at Sehun disappointedly. “Why are you not calling me hyung? Come to think of it, you also talk to me informally.”

Sehun’s face remanins blank. “Maybe if you start working I can start talking to you with respect.”

Aw, that burns. Chanyeol ignores him and goes back to his intense game of Minesweeper.

Beside him, Sehun tries not to hit his head with the tray.

To be honest, there’s not much customer this time of day, hovering between breakfast and lunch. Only three tables are occupied so far, the third one occupied by one guy wearing round glasses.

The door opened and the bell chimed, and out of reflex Chanyeol looks up to see the new client. It’s a petite guy with black hair and the cutest face. He sits in front of the guy with the round glasses.

Chanyeol really has no idea what’s gotten into him, but he grabs his notepad and makes a beeline to that table.

Sehun’s face stops him. “Where are you going?”

“That table.” He points it with his chin and proceeds, but Sehun won’t cooperate and keeps blocking his way. “What now? I’m working.”

“That’s my area. You start working in yours.”

“But...” Chanyeol let’s himself trail off and does his best kicked puppy look. Sehun makes a very disgusted face.


Silently cheering inside, Chanyeol approaches table 6.

“Also, I have a boyfriend. His name is Jongin,” says the guy in glasses. Chanyeol supposes he’s not meant to overhear that because the cute guy he thinks he’s crushing on is looking crestfallen. He gets the urge to pull him up and drag him away from this place.

But he doesn’t. Instead, he asks for their order and does his job.

Baekhyun doesn’t really talk shit about his friends when they’re not present to hear it themselves, but right now he has very choice words to say to both Jongdae and Joonmyun hyung.

He definitely blames them for this ridiculous excuse of a date. It’s their fault.

But to be fair, he also took part in digging his grave when he said yes to his best friend’s cat-like smile and his best friend’s boyfriend’s stupid aegyos. It’ll be fun, they said. Kyungsoo is a nice guy.

Kyungsoo is a nice guy, though, he admits to himself as he watch his date chew on his toast. He’s punctual; already sitting in this table when Baekhyun enters the restaurant where they’d have their brunch date. (Who even arranges brunch dates?). He’s pleasant and polite, if not a little scary because of his very round eyes and generally stoic expression. It’s disturbing, but it’s okay.

“You’re not eating,” Kyungsoo notes as he pointedly looks at Baekhyun’s untouched plate of egg and sausage. “You should eat; Joonmyun hyung gave me his credit card so these are all on him.”

Baekhyun wants to cry and curse his friends to the fiery depths of hell. “Kyungsoo, you have a boyfriend.”

Kyungsoo looks at him blankly from behind his glasses. “I know that. I told you that before we ordered.” Kyungsoo calmly sips on his glass of mango juice. “I’m glad you remember.”

“Why would you agree to go on a blind date when you have a boyfriend?” he groans because honestly.

“Jongin says it’s okay, and Joonmyun hyung rarely asks me for favors. Don’t worry about it.”

“But you have a boyfriend.” Baekhyun is so close to tears he’s actually surprised - he rarely cries. But he woke up early for this date, and it’s a failure. He hopes Jongdae and his boyfriend get allergies with each other.

Kyungsoo just shrugs his shoulders. This is absolutely and terrifically a waste of time. He never goes out on dates, and only agreed to go because those two insisted that this guy would totally be his type.

They are probably right, but Baekhyun is not willing to further that thought because Kyungsoo has a boyfriend. No matter how cute Kyungsoo is with his wide eyes and full lips, it will never work.

His stomach grumbles quite loudly, like thunder before a storm and that’s really embarrassing, but he’s also a little upset, so he just digs in and eats his sorrows and disappoinment away, because even though it’s not his style to go on blind dates, he did expect something to some extent; he thought he’d meet someone available.

When he looks up briefly, he catches Kyungsoo’s eyes. Kyungsoo smiles at him. “They really just want to help you. They said you always look lonely.”

“I do-“ he squeaks and chokes on the food in his mouth. He clears his throat and drinks some water. “I do not. Tell them I’m not lonely. I’m not. Actually, I’ll tell them myself.”

“You do that.” Kyungsoo checks his phone and suddenly his face is not stoic anymore and his smile is wider. He shakes his head fondly and yeah, maybe Baekhyun feels a little lonely. He wants to have someone to smile at, too.

“Jongin wants to play Jenga; I should go.”

“Okay,” he replies weakly. “It’s nice meeting you, though.”

His Date With A Boyfriend makes to stand, but before he does, he leans forward and for one scary second, Baekhyun thought he was going to kiss him. But he doesn’t, instead, he leans in and whispers, “Give him your number if he doesn’t give you his first.”

With a final pat on the shoulder, Kyungsoo walks away to play Jenga with his boyfriend (but stops by to the counter, probably to pay everything with Joonmyun’s credit card), leaving Baekhyun in a confused state.


He blinks repeatedly, and suddenly there’s a cup of jelly in front of him. He looks down and finds red sneakers attached to legs that seem to go on forever, limbs, and the brightest face he has seen so far. This creature’s eyes crescents, probably because of the smile that vaguely makes Baekhyun want to shade his eyes. Wow.

“Uh,” he says intelligently. In his head, Baekhyun already tells the waiter that he didn’t order dessert. “Uh.”

“I’m assuming you’re telling me you didn’t order dessert?”

He nods. This one’s good.

“It’s okay.” The waiter sits on the edge of the chair across Baekhyun. “This is on me, since you look like you really need it.” His expression is sheepish. “Bad date?”

There is a cute waiter sitting in front of him after a disastrous date, bearing almond jelly and Baekhyun thinks what the hell. He plunges the teaspoon in the cup and almost moans at how good this is - he loves jelly.

“I’m Chanyeol, by the way.”


When Baekhyun leaves the restaurant almost an hour later, he has added one number on his Contacts list.


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pairing: baekyeol, group: exo, genre: fluff, length: drabble

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