you're a fever i can't sweat out; suchen

Jan 26, 2014 01:58

you're a fever i can't sweat out
drabble; fluff
Non-AU. This is how I imagine Jongdae taking the news of Junmyeon's flexibility.

i should probably apologize, because junmyeon works so hard to be really good at what he's doing meanwhile i write things like this. i'm sorry, junmyeon. but i wrote it so it's here anyway. btw, i sarang you, jongdae. + title is from panic! at the disco's first album, a fever you can't sweat out.

"So, someone told me something."

Jongdae really isn't up for any of Baekhyun's shit right now. Not when his time is almost up and he still hasn’t completed his Anipang missions. He grunts.

Baekhyun misinterpreted it into something like do go on. "It appears that our dear leader is flexible. Like, really flexible."

The animals freeze on Jongdae's screen and he watches it with contempt because he lost the round again. "Yeah, yeah," he answers Baekhyun off-handedly, just to appease him.

"Seriously, Jongdae! Anipang?" Baekhyun screeches as he snatches the phone away from the other’s hands, scandalized. "Can't you see what this information entails? How important this piece of information I'm giving you right now is?"

Jongdae spares his a phone a longing look before finally focusing on Baekhyun, trying to remember what he was crying about just now. "What's flexible?"

Baekhyun lets out another outraged and exasperated high pitch sound, making the other laugh (What? The sound of Baekhyun’s distress is music to his ears). "Junmyeon is flexible! That's who is flexible!"

It’s a trap. It’s a very big trap that Baekhyun has laid out for him to fall into, fall deeply and painfully, and as much as Jongdae knows this, he's not prepared against the attack of images his traitorous dirty mind gives him.

Him on a bed, with Junmyeon hyung under him, writhing in pleasure and excitement and want, one leg propped up on his shoulder as they both shiver in common need, bodies moving in sync and moans sending vibrations on each other's already hard-

Jongdae shakes his head vigorously. Again and again and again.

And then he shoots the most vicious glare that he could muster at Baekhyun when the jerk starts guffawing, shamelessly, hands clapping and all. "You should have seen your face!"

"I hope you know hell has a special circle for dirty minded dicks like you," Jongdae spits at him, pretending that the heat coloring his face is caused by infuriation and not by another thing altogether. Like maybe his favorite hyung’s face while- no. Jongdae holds tight to his self-control.

Baekhyun snorts unattractively. "Please. We both know what you've been thinking. It's alright, though; it's not like your boner for our leader is a secret anyway."

Jongdae groans. Of course not. Half the world probably knows already that Kim Jongdae likes Kim Junmyeon. The other half probably just doesn't know EXO. One individual is just painfully oblivious.

"Of course it's a secret," he insists, stubbornly; he can't let Baekhyun win this. And really, it still is. "He still doesn't know."

There must have been a retort for that, but Baekhyun decides to be kind when the door to their dorm opens and a smiling leader appears. "Hey!"

He sits beside Jongdae automatically as Baekhyun hides a snicker behind his two beautiful hands. Jongdae starts fidgeting the moment their leader walks in, the poor guy.

Nonetheless, Jongdae starts helping his hyung out of his coat because apparently, he's too tired to do it himself or while standing up.

"What were you two talking about? Carry on," Junmyeon says casually when the two members remain quiet, completely clueless.

"Nothing," comes out of Jongdae's mouth the same time that Baekhyun says, "You."

Jongdae stops himself from strangling a member. That’s gonna be bad for the group. They need one of the main vocalists.

"Zitao sent me a text message saying you were doing great in martial arts today, hyung," Baekhyun explains with a smirk when Junmyeon starts looking from him to Jongdae in confusion. "He said you could split your legs to the ground."

"Yeah," Jongdae agrees weakly.

But Junmyeon smiles this really dazzling smile of his, one that he wears when he's proud of something that he's work hard for, and somehow liking him more is really appealing right now so Jongdae likes him just a little bit more, appreciates him just a little bit more, falls for him just a little bit more. "Really?"

Baekhyun nods and traipses to the kitchen, humming a song by SNSD.

Junmyeon throws his feet up on the side of the couch as he lays down on it, body straight and head suddenly on Jongdae's lap. He closes his eyes and makes himself more comfortable. Jongdae threads his fingers on his hair. "You should watch the episode when it airs, Jongdae. And then tell me if you think I did great."

Of course you did great you're perfect you're golden you work hard and you deserve to be great, Jongdae sighs helplessly. "Of course, hyung. Of course."


so as i have previously mentioned, i love jongdae and i respect junmyeon. like so much. i know he has his really, really awkward moments that literally make me cringe, but still. anyway, this thing is an outlet for my suchen feelings. don't judge my feels by the length of this fic tho i'm just really bad with words. :| but thank you for reading or.

genre: non-au, group: exo, genre: fluff, pairing: suchen, length: drabble

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