3 AM; myungyeol

Sep 23, 2013 16:53

3 AM
drabble; fluff

Three in the morning is both too early and too late to begin doing anything.

a/n: written months ago for some unknown reason and WHAT IS PLOT. i'm serious. i just want to write idk.

Myungsoo does a lot of thinking before he goes to sleep; even when he is dead tired from countless projects and photography gigs, he keeps his eyes open as his minds twirls and jumps and forces him to face issues he really doesn't want to think about.

His relationship with Sungyeol, for instance.

He looks down at Sungyeol who is sleeping peacefully, tucked under his blanket and face pressed against his pillow. He groans when he realizes this isn’t one of those nights when he can sleep if he allowed himself to mentally wander around. He needs to get away from what he needs to think about.

Myungsoo slips out of bed after glancing longingly at his best friend, feeling sorry for himself because of all the times that he had to make a serious business out of his relationship issues, why does it have to be at a time when he can be sleeping like a normal person?

Right, he’s not normal - like what Sungyeol keeps repeating to anyone who would listen.

The spacious living room is unsurprisingly empty as Myungsoo trudges his dead weight on the couch and flops on it tiredly. Dammit, one thing he likes doing is avoiding the problem. Obviously, this certain problem is done with him running away. He just wants everything to be the way they were, when the feelings he had for his best friend were platonic and did not involve kisses and other activities that are not acceptable between Just Friends.

He doesn’t mean it though, especially when Sungyeol’s smile and eyes and cheeks and everything flash in his memory every two seconds, the older’s voice ringing in his ears refusing to go away - he doesn’t want his new feelings to go away. It’s not quite like that but Myungsoo thinks it might be like that when he holds Sungyeol’s hand or when he hugs him and he doesn’t shrug it away. The feeling is weird and familiar and Myungsoo is pretty sure that’s not how it goes. And if it is, he doesn’t know what to do.

What he feels for Sungyeol might be a little too late to be acted upon now. They’re best friends, they’re partners in giggling over stupid things, and Sungyeol is everything Myungsoo wants.

But maybe Sungyeol won’t ever like him in that way now, because they started off as best friends and best friends are best friends. They must not be anything else, a constant in principle. Don’t let your infatuation that might not even be that ruin what is beautiful. He wants to move forward with what he feels because he’s not one to hide his emotions, wearing them like they’re a part of his face, offering it to the world because they’re beautiful.

But maybe it’s too early? They’ve only been friends for years; maybe he needs more time to reflect on his feelings because this really might just be a petty crush for Sungyeol. Who wouldn’t like  Sungyeol anyway? Maybe this is just one of those teenage phases when you think you like your best friend when it’s just a platonic admiration gone wild a little because of hormones. Blurred lines, yes.

Oh wait, right. He stopped being a teenager years ago.

Myungsoo looks at the digital clock sitting on the table beside the couch and lets out a groan. Great. It’s 3 in the morning and he’s still contemplating about what to do with the fluttering in his chest and tummy and tingling in interesting place. He needs to stop.

He can’t though, and he needs sleep.

Desperate situations call for desperate measures.

He picks up the phone on the table and dials.

“Myungsoo. I will kill you if this isn’t a life or death situation,” Sunggyu growls surprisingly fierce for someone whose sleep got interrupted. Myungsoo gets scared a little.

But he really needs to ask, “Hyung, this is about my future. I don’t know what to do.”

Myungsoo hears a loud groan and other eerie throaty sounds, like Sunggyu is somehow trying to choke himself... He hopes not. He needs his answer right now.

After a while, “What is it about?”

“Do you think it’s okay for me to play the guitar at the three in the morning?”

“Dammit, Myungsoo. Are you fucking kidding me right now?”

“Hyung, no! I just need to know,” Myungsoo whispers frantically, afraid to wake Sungyeol up.

“Three AM isn’t a time for anything but sleep, Kim Myungsoo. Remember that or I will engrave the thought on your forehead next time, literally. But if you really want to do it, if you fucking want to play the goddamn guitar at three in the morning, go do it. Just don’t wake up anyone in the process.”

Sunggyu doesnt wait for Myungsoo to respond before he hangs up.

Myungsoo didn’t know why he asks that, to be honest, and to Sunggyu no less. Maybe all the thinking is making him suicidal.

But he did hear Sunggyu’s words and he tried to remember why he thinks his confession to Sungyeol isn’t timely. If he really wants it, why should he wait for the right or wrong time to do it? He doesn’t need to wait.

Myungsoo determinedly gets up, eyes sort of blazing, and walks to the room that he shares with his best friend.


a/n 2: I TOLD YOU IDK.

center: myungsoo, genre: fluff, length: drabble, group: infinite, pairing: myungyeol

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