Stuff, and Help!

Jul 11, 2007 10:47

So, life's been pretty good the last little while, though I've still been doing a lot of bitching because of the heat. Heh.

Since my last update I've seen Ocean's 13 and loved it, and then seen Transformers twice XDDD Also loved that one, for obvious reasons. Of course, I'm totally clueless when it comes to Transformers, but Miko is a huge fan since childhood, so she filled me in on the stuff I didn't know. Frankly, the movie is awesome even if you don't know any of the background. It's just a great romp.

Tonight I have tickets to OotP. Yay!

Today is the first day of my week-long vacation. I plan to spend the whole week making a big dent in my university course and preparations for applications to law school, as well as working on cosplay. I spent the morning working on course and it did not suck. I've been getting so stressed out about the fact that I wasn't working on it that I forgot it was actually quite interesting and not that hard. I gotta stop doing that.

I've already cut out all of the fabric for Lavi's coat, except for the interfacing because I was stupid and didn't buy any :P That's on the agenda for today.

Working with actual suiting material beats the hell out of the couch vinyl I used for Sephiroth's coat any day. Plus I felt really proud of myself because I got to use the tracing paper to alter pattern pieces for the first time, and I think it's going to work! I'm getting good at this stuff, yo.

I have Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories for GBA and I can't wait to start playing *vibrates*

On a completely different note, though, I have an urgent question:

Does anyone know how to play .mkv files? Nothing on my computer recognizes it, and I'm in dire straits because the only copies of Darker Than Black 13 and 14 I can find are in this format, and I must know what happens before my brain explodes. Stupid Funimation, licensing it and ruining my fun.


I tried downloading a converter, but it was shareware and would only convert 5 minutes of it. I checked out the converted file and it lacked subtitles, so I am NOT paying for the stupid thing without understanding why the subtitles went away and/or some kind of guarantee that that would not happen with the full version.

So? Flist? Any suggestions you actually know works? I'm fine with either a player or a converter, so long as it WORKS.

I'm sick and tired of being limited by not being able to play these files, because it seems like more and more fansubbers are using this format. D. Grey-man is being put out by Black Order in both .avi and .mkv, and half the Devil May Cry episodes are also being put out in .mkv. I'm afraid I'm going to end up not being able to watch the rest of DMC, if this trend continues, as well.

*snuggles you all and runs off to play KH:CoM*

i fail at technology, yaoicon, fandom, flail

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