Well I am back from Belize. I have brought several friends with me. I am a cayote of sorts. Are you jealous?
You won't be.
I have been sick for about a year. Well I didnt know I was sick. I thought my body was adjusting to living with a vegaterian. I started to become lactose intollerant, unable to eat meat, beef, prok, BACON....only chicken and fish. who relly likes chicken and fish? Give me some blood on a plate and call it good. I was unable to eat it. I would get severe pain in my stomach 2 hours after I ate and it would last 5 hours. It would leave me debilitated. Fetal position for hours. Lets just say it would ruin the day. How was I supposed to know. Anything I ate would take 2 hours before it would kick in. Do you know how much food I eat in a 2 hour span? I am a non stop eater. It could be anything. I finally narrowed it down.
I started to lose a lot of weight. Too much, and my stomach started to bloat. I thought it was about time to go to the doc. I refused to get on a plane and come to the states. I cant afford health care here, no insurance. So I did the next best thing, I went to Guatemala. No one says health care like the Guats. I was affraid of stomach cancer, as my grandmother died from it, or an ulcer. It turned out to be something much worse.
You know you want to read more
I ended up having a really bad bacterial infection. I had lots of pus and blood in my stool. Let me tell you how creepy THAT was.
In Guat I had an upper gastrointestinal endoscopy done. I was put under while Chris was in the room. He wathced the whole thing. I got in on video in case I want to watch it at some other time. In any case the scope showed that I have no cancer or holes. I do have a herniated esophogus, and acute gastritis. The doc gave me some antibiotics for the infection. The same meds they give to ANTHRAX PATIENTS. He gave me a general parasite pill, just in case. We took these pills and headed out to lake atitlan for rest and recoup. I went back to the City a week later for a follow up. Doc says I am doing fine and sends me home with some meds to help build up the flora in my stomach. We go back to Belize.
In Belize a week later I am not feeling better. I have now developed white spotty fungus on the back of my throat as a result to the flora builder. I was still losing weight. I was on a restricted diet at this point on nothing but boiled chicken. Nasty! I emailed the doc about the fungus, he said stop taking all meds, also I should be able to eat beef again at this point. WRONG! I made myself a nasty belize beef burger and well it did not agree with me. I emailed the doc back and he said I need to go in for another blood and poop test. YIKES That means Dangriga. I was scketched in there. They did not wear rubber gloved when they took my blood. There is a HUGE AIDS outbreak in Belize. I would not be surprised if some of the boys that where waiting for their results werent waiting for hiv/aids results. In any case I get tested. and I wait and 45 minutes later I get my results back. I am posotive for ASCARIS, round worm. ICKY!!!!!
I was sent home with some meds for them. It was the worst experience I have ever endured. You thought you have been sick and where on the verge of death????That was nothing compared to that. I was eradicating Melville and his pod of Nematodes from both ends. I vomited and shat out worms for 3 days straight. As a result of melville I have acute gastritis. It is not the more pleasant experience.
That was 2 months ago. I still have melville. He is a nasty bugger. He likes to linger. I have had 2 treatments. Now that I am back in America I have to go to walk in clinics. I had my blood and poop tested and am still waiting for the results. It has been over a week. In Belize I waited 45 minutes for the same results.
I have paid the same ammount for an endoscopy, doc visit3 times, anastesia, meds etc in Guatemala as I have paid for 1 doc visit, which consited of him photo copying my doc papers take some blood and poop andthat was it, lab tests and meds. I cant believehowamericans gougeother americans just beaue they dont have insurance. When I get the SAME treatment and doc knowledge and state of the art equipment in Guatemala.
I was 130 lbs in November. I am 103lbs right now. great organic diet for you when ever you want it.....