(no subject)

Apr 19, 2007 04:02

mmmmm its late.  nooooobody is awake so even if i got online, it would be futile.  I'm at the hospital at the moment and facing the resident while she works on the other computer.  Technically, I cooooooooould go downstairs and grab my book, but really 4 am is no time to get in real, official studying in my opinion.  On the other hand, I have not updated you fine people in quite some time and I think the mood strikes.

At this hospital, they built a new building and it has this elevator that announces what floor you are on and "going up" and such phrases that are appropriate for an elevator.  However, this elevator has a nice nasal women's voice.  Its quite cringeworthy.

This hospital also has very overzealous automatic flush toliets.

Hmm.  Life has been busy and yet not.  Its been hard to try and convince myself that I need to study when I am at the hospital all the day long.  Lately, that luxury has been even more diminished by my attempts at putting together my non-research project for research day.  It is going to be a total disaster, I just know it.  Technically, I should have spent all week preparing what I was going to say and practicing so I don't go over time or get overly flustered, but that totally didn't  happen.  Plus, I'll be all postcall by the time I do get home today so the chances of good preparation are once again shot.  Boo.  Am on call again Saturday and then I will be done with all this staying-overnight-at-the-hospital buisness for the month.  Only one more paper and I will be done with my work for this rotation.  I should get to that this weekend so I can get to the studyage next week.  We'll just have to see how productive the weekend is.  I'm guessing not so much though.

I got my hopes up for going to Guatemala in February, but then my doc opened it up to all year 4's and 5's.  Since my doc is loved by all, my chances at such a limited opportunity are slim to none.  Damn my rotten grades.  :)  But I will rock boards, so maybe that will be overcome ;) (hahahahaha).  International would be fabulous and is something I've wanted to do.  Going with my docent doc would be even better.  I'll keep you updated.

Kyle and I are doing fabulous.  We've got the focused-on-the-happiness thing down and are just enjoying each other.  Comfortable and wonderful to the max.

Also, he's moving in with the Tyson.

Chances are, they are the only two folk who read this though, so this information is kinda useless.  ;)

The whole miracle of birth thing is truly amazing (I'm on the OB floor).  But I must say, that working with people my own age is just not something that I am comfortable with.  I could work on older folk all the day long, but the ones that are my age, I feel like such a sham in front of them pretending to be all doctorly.  Its strange.  Maybe its something you get used to.  Plus, I'm getting older so that will cease to be a problem eventually.  I kinda like OB.  Of course, I really just love being in the hospital and pretending to do things that matter.  Its supercool.

mmmmm I'm fading.  I'm a gonna peace for now.
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