277. I am the kind of girl.

May 19, 2011 23:24

I am the kind of girl who jets off into the unknown.
I am the kind of girl who leaves without saying goodbye.
I am the kind of girl who disappears during gatherings, or not turn up for outings.
I am the kind of girl who dislikes crowds.
I am the kind of girl who is socially awkward.
I am the kind of girl who hates it when people do things last min, yet does it all the time.
I am the kind of girl who hates pretense.
I am the kind of girl who cannot speak/write good English yet expect other people to.
I am the kind of girl who procrastinates.
I am the kind of girl who can sleep all day.
I am the kind of girl who can't seem to plan ahead, yet hate the feeling of not knowing.
I am the kind of girl who can eat a lot and yet not eat anything.
I am the kind of girl who gets fiery for no reason.
I am the kind of girl who needs the heat, hates the heat, love the sun.
I am the kind of girl who find it hard to say thank you and sorry yet expect people to do so.
I am the kind of girl who calls people silly yet does sillier things.
I am the kind of girl who can sit around doing nothing.
I am the kind of girl who is strong and weak at the same time.
I am the kind of girl who is savvy enough, yet noob enough to not know how to handle flash files.
I am the kind of girl who believes that first impressions are important.
I am the kind of girl who uses harsh words.
I am the kind of girl who will not speak much unless there is something I really want to say.
I am the kind of girl who believes in karma.
I am the kind of girl who does care what people think.
I am the kind of girl who is overly confident and slightly (maybe an understatement) insecure.
I am the kind of girl who is not at all fond of small talks.
I am the kind of girl who does not hesitate to tell someone off.
I am the kind of girl who hates pessimism, yet cannot stand overly-optimistic people.
I am the kind of girl who hates it when she is ignored.
I am the kind of girl who believes there are only two sides to anything - the right and the wrong.
I am the kind of girl who is too nice to people for her own good.
I am the kind of girl who wonders too much, daydreams too much, emo too much.
I am the kind of girl who types profanities but really hate the sound of those words when said verbally.
I am the kind of girl who calls herself fat, yet does nothing to remove the fats.
I am the kind of girl that needs encouragements but can't find it in herself to be encouraging.
I am the kind of girl who gives second chances, yet remains overly skeptical.
I am the kind of girl who does not practice what she preach.
I am the kind of girl who cannot hate a person for too long but can dislike a person long enough to last a lifetime.
I am the kind of girl who tries to be sociable, yet can't seem to find enough determination to.
I am the kind of girl who cannot stand it when people lie yet at times find white lies acceptable.
I am the kind of girl who expects too much from people yet expects nothing from herself.

I am that kind of girl.
I am that kind of ironic; that kind of weird.
If you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best.
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