Not including this because I'm all that mad at Netflix(although I piss them off by not having anything to stream through.) it seems like every corporation thinks its customers exist to fuel its plans for market domination.
I do not exist to make you happy. You exist to make me(and a couple million of my oldest friends) happy. if we are not pleased, perhaps your strategy has a flaw in it.
yes, I use DVDs, because I have the player and an old television, which by some miracle everything works together. Which still thrills me, because I am a simple woman in many ways. On Demand cable viewing, which is what I imagine streaming video to feel like is now finally great. I admit it. But it took about a zillion phone calls and three home visits during a seemingly endless rollout period to make that happen and even then, it is much cooler at the beginning of the month when you load up the new movies.
My father promised me a streaming thingie. But he also promised me he'd love me forever, and that I'd actually have a college fund, so I am not holding my breath.
Admittedly, I am in the quarter of the population that cannot hear the word "upgrade" without wanting to vomit, but sometimes it seems like purveryors of technology seem to think everyone has endless time and money to devote to being current.