zmayhem and I talked about this yesterday, I looked over what's in version 3...I have recycled a lot, not from other versions of the script,(Only about 3 pages of what I originally wrote is going further in future editions. Which is okay, I guess, I needed something to pass the Worst Summer Ever) but a few years ago, I wrote this thing about about this lifestyle writer who gets famous for writing, like, for the sake of argument, Sex And The City-type stuff, right? Articles about buying thongs and comparing room service on both coasts...things like that. Really poppy and smutty and effervescing. But then, she gets into an accident, breaks her back, and all of her old friends think she is Tragic but Brave, and they almost can't stand to look at her, even though she thinks some new stuff she's written is still funny and even has the deeper note that her editor used to beg her for when she was doing the Carrie Bradshaw thing.
In the original story, which was written right in the middle of the Night Listener/James Frey hypefests, she meets this babelicious but blocked male writer and sells him her work that nobody wants from her, but from him they find it shares real insights into women and so forth. This has sort of made its way into my script, although not the bad romantic-comedy elements because I've only been part of a couple for a minute and a half in my whole life...I have no idea what keeps people together, although I do okay at writing the "smart remarks from across the room" part.
And my original heroine was practically jaded...she'd been so many places and seen so much stuff...which made it an interesting exercise for me, but the longer I wrote, the more I knew I didn't pull it off. But some of it still survives.