(I don't think Adrian G. *does* mortified...one of the things I really love about that guy, besides his pretty face and the fact that he would feel my pain about my mom trying to grow peach and avocado pits in a juice glass for eighteen years cause she's such a hippie...did it work better in Brooklyn? Where was I?) Jerry Ferrara says that Adrian won't stop talking about him only eating two oranges in his whole life...I know AG is waiting for the scurvy that both his and my mother would assure him would result
ANYWAY... even though I feel sort of guilty about RPF, and I don't read slash, either, much, this little snippet's sexy.(I read some Vince/ Eric and some Dan/Casey and Spike/Angel back in the day.)
http://flash-indie.livejournal.com/114029.html#cutid1There are more explicit ones on crack_van, but I don't really need the graphic imagery Kind of a prurient day here in general..