Aug 12, 2009 07:31
Ok, mark your calendars, people. I'm about to agree on some points with the Coultergeist(shudder) This probably won't happen again.
But I think Meghan McCain should shut up, too. Not that I disagree that those women are, you know, horrifying and should be a turnoff to reasonable folks, but she said that already. Why does she have a column to repeat this one, half-formed thought about, like, unity and stuff?(And the one about how she can't get laid almost turned me off reading. I never go to the Daily Beast in fear that I will be drawn to her byline like some horrific car crash. As writers go, she is the equivalent of the annoying girl in the grocery line who cuts in front of you because she has gum and diet coke and then writes a check for it.
Couldn't the harpies just be pissed about that?(Although the weight jokes are a cheap shot...the extra curves make her look a lot better than her tiny mom, imo. However, I think she might consider a new hairstyle and/or makeup palate because the overall effect does remind me of Miss Piggy on occasion...although if she could karate-chop those bitches, maybe I could find some respect for her after all.)
But here they've been, those conservative pundettes, in the trenches, sucking Satanic cock for years to get where they are, and here comes this girl with a family name calling them out.(Although it's really junior-high of Meghan to respond every time, especially with Twitter stats...srsly? If I had a column, and Coulter told me to shut up it would be my "He's evil," moment and I'd think "Score!" but that's how ready she is to be a big-time voice of a new generation..."I'm the best political girl, ever, right, Daddy?" "Whatever you want, pumpkin.")
Seriously, where's my column? I've never seen Meghan anywhere where she isn't saying "Actually, I don't follow politics."
Sounds like me on the Business Page, or in Sports...where's my frickin' know-nothing column? Surely I'm blonde and "novel" enough, even if my name won't get me anything but some extra schnitzel and "Hey, your brother's that guy."
the internets,