Dec 20, 2008 12:48
In all my bitching about the Warren selection(and not just because A Purpose-Driven life was one of the books I've puked on with little regret) I think I discovered that, at least temporarily, I'm out of the God business.I don't think I'm back to being a smarty-pants atheist, because I definitely don't feel like I've got it all figured out or anything, but I have tried a lot of spiritual practice looking for that whole "Something Bigger Than Myself," thing and I guess I'm secular, and concerned about secular things. There have been times where I have been sure Something Bigger placed a relationship in my path, only to find that the relationship is just as complicated as the friendships I made for myself. And when I look at this nation, and what it needs, another showboating pastor is about at 1 billion. Why didn't Obama just pick some preacher from New Hampshire or something?
But then they don't have invocations for people like me, anyway, obviously.
And I suppose I'm in a prime position to think fathers just disappoint you anyway. But I have to be honest about the fact that if somebody mentions their church too much, I'm tempted to start taking points from their IQ score. I know it's wrong, intellectually, and I know my perspective is skewed from meeting every Jesus Freak and Krazy Katholic off their meds in this area, but I just don't get it.
I don't do that to my friends, because I like y'all and know you aren't going to invite me to handle snakes or anything. But with new people, definitely.