A POEM(?) "Disability Alphabet"

Oct 05, 2007 14:35

A is for Access so often denied
B is for Berkeley, mecca by the ocean,
C is for chair, my best source of motion.
D is for debt that remains unpaid,
E is for Erika who remains unlaid.
F is for fight that I wish I could skip.
G is for guilt and its dark lifetime grip.
Handicap’s “H” takes my back to the eighties.
I is for the internet, where we don’t act like ladies.
J is for Job which I don’t really have,
K is for Keith, I don’t really have(he belongs to America, as well as another K.)
L is for literature I hope this could be.
M is for mothers who keep some of us free
N is for Nirvana cause this “smells like teen spirit”
O is for wanting an Option that sounds good when I hear it.
P is for Power they don’t recognize.
Q is for Quit-an impulse I despise.
You could say I want a Revolution.
In School I would have Settled for Some Status,
”Tough Titties,” life tantrummed tangentially, so
U see me here, doing this.
V is for Victim, which I am sometimes and write other times.
W Is for Woman, Warrior, and Winner(It’s rare I get to be all three,)
X is for x-rated things I still get a thrill from reading.
Y is for Youth, which will soon be leaving.
Z is for no longer feeling like Zero.

disability, writing

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